Attemptfull Sophistication
First and most important I want to wish a very very very HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my little sister, Tricia. I love you and I am so proud of you and the person you have become!
I just spent a week in Dumagettee for a seminar on project writing and grant proposals. I have no current intention of applying for grants. The seminar, put on by Peace Corps, included working 3.5 days with our counterpart from our site. I found this aspect to be very rewarding. I would assume even more so for my counterpart. My counterpart tends to be very busy (not the norm for PC counterparts) so spending a full 3 days talking about projects, the proper way to introduce them, implement them, and follow them up proved to be very beneficial. I learned some new stuff too.
On my way home from Dumagettee,
That and I can't draw, so when I get bored I doodle poems instead of pictures.
Fuse them. Confuse them.
Tactful trickery
talks the walk
walk the talk?
Oh hell thee
audience is
health-y. Won
to win them
but how and
You have the merit
down the credentials
of knew.
Has the walk taken
We simply stood.
Thoughts tearing
Away at what?
away at us?
Away at tears
at THEIR tears
Grasping at the next
not holding the last
in tranquil transition lingering
lost. Plausible
tranquil and torn?
Perhaps perhaps
simply miss
Well I hope that wasn't too bad on you, or mabey you just skipped it and came right to this paragraph. Eitherway i'll keep the poems limited and put some more pictures up soon. My friend Tin Tin from England, who most of you know, will be coming to visit me for a couple weeks in Febuary. I'm takeing 2 weeks vaction to "escort" him around the Philippines and see how much trouble the two of us can stay out of. I'm sure well have some good pictures from that.
*Vogon poetry is of course, the third worst in the universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their poet master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" four of his audience died of internal haemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator, Paul Neil Milne Johnstone of Redbridge, in the destruction of the planet Earth. Vogon poetry is mild by comparison. --(Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy)
HI BuckO!!!
Thank you for the B-Day wish! I had a wonderful B-day going out! I wrote you a long letter that I will be sending in the mail in a few weeks. LOVED the Poems they are great! if you don't post them send some to me b/c i liked reading them. HOpe all is well bucko, miss ya, love ya. Talk to ya soon!
Love your little sis
I have been meaning to post on your blog for awhile now, but I never wanted to make a username to do it. Today I realized I could post annoymously.
I just wanted to tell you that you are going a great job with your blog and I check it every week from work.
Take care
Hey Lloyd my boy,
I finally figured out how to access this thing and I am so glad I did. Well done on the poetry. Most impressive and sophisticated. Your pictures rock my socks off as well. So awesome. I am retardedly jealous of Tin Tin right now. I know you guys are having the best time EVER! (sigh) Hey, Kenosha is doing just case you were wondering. By the way, NBC wants to see me again. I gotta go back to New York. Cross your fingers for me! I miss you. All the best, friend!
'bout dang time you modified your blog to let us post anonymously. I've been waiting for months, geesh. Anyways, glad to hear that you survived your typhoid incident. I absolutely love the pictures you've taken. Good stuff. Hope you and Tin Tin didn't stop at the island of Leyte on Feb 16..... I sent you a package around two months ago, ever get it?
love how your spelling is still as good as ever too. Some things just never change. (mabey/maybe & parants/parents, etc...)
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