Playa, Bay Bay, Beach
Spanish, Illonggo, English. Upon my arrival home from New Years in Boracay (just google it) I started playing around with my new camera. I started taking all sorts of shots. Most weren't turning out, but that is due to my own inexperiance with photography and not a shortcoming of my camera. I am slowly starting to figure it out. I've shunned the "scene" settings and I'm forcing myself to learn what situations call for what exposers, apature, iso, ect.
So I figured what better place to go play around with my new toy than my beach. Well not my beach, but it may as well be. I'm there enough. So I bought a nalgene bottle full of Tuba, I have recently had a liking for tuba (the coconut wine that comes from coconut trees, just tap the tree and out comes alcohol), and sat to take pictures. These are some of the ones that turned out okay. I hope to keep getting better ones as time goes on.
This is the traditional Filipino boat, it is called a Banca boat. When I first arrived to the Philippines I was convinced I would purchase one once I got to site, maby even outrig it with a small sail. Yet I choose not to. Mostly becausue I don't need to buy one. I"m friends with a lot of the fisherman in my barangay and I can use thier bancas whenever I would like. Its fun to take them out paddling, or to a fish pen and just go swimming.

You may recognize these two from some other pictures I have taken. They hang around my house a lot, specially on the weekends when I am there. If you look at the top right of the picture in the water, that is a fishpen. The pop up all over in the ocean around December. There was one before December I could see from my beach and now there are six. They are anywhere from 50 meters to mabey 150 meters from the beach. Men go out and use nets to collect whats in them early in the morning, around 4 am, and in the evening around 7 or 8.

While the men are collecting fish the kids normally swim and play on the beach. Women will either be in the house preparing dinner or on the beach brushing up piles of leaves and burning them, it keeps the beach clean looking but its mostly to keep the mosquitos down.

I think I took about 20 pictures of this sunset. 3 or 4 turned out really good. I ultimitly choose this one cause it was the only one I took that was vertical instead of horozontal and I liked the capture of the clouds. I don't think I have posted a picture of the sunset from where I live, but this is it, almost every night. I'm sure you will all see more pictures of that scene in the next 18 months.

Wait....thats not the beach, but his little doggy hat is cute.
So I figured what better place to go play around with my new toy than my beach. Well not my beach, but it may as well be. I'm there enough. So I bought a nalgene bottle full of Tuba, I have recently had a liking for tuba (the coconut wine that comes from coconut trees, just tap the tree and out comes alcohol), and sat to take pictures. These are some of the ones that turned out okay. I hope to keep getting better ones as time goes on.
This is the traditional Filipino boat, it is called a Banca boat. When I first arrived to the Philippines I was convinced I would purchase one once I got to site, maby even outrig it with a small sail. Yet I choose not to. Mostly becausue I don't need to buy one. I"m friends with a lot of the fisherman in my barangay and I can use thier bancas whenever I would like. Its fun to take them out paddling, or to a fish pen and just go swimming.

You may recognize these two from some other pictures I have taken. They hang around my house a lot, specially on the weekends when I am there. If you look at the top right of the picture in the water, that is a fishpen. The pop up all over in the ocean around December. There was one before December I could see from my beach and now there are six. They are anywhere from 50 meters to mabey 150 meters from the beach. Men go out and use nets to collect whats in them early in the morning, around 4 am, and in the evening around 7 or 8.

While the men are collecting fish the kids normally swim and play on the beach. Women will either be in the house preparing dinner or on the beach brushing up piles of leaves and burning them, it keeps the beach clean looking but its mostly to keep the mosquitos down.

I think I took about 20 pictures of this sunset. 3 or 4 turned out really good. I ultimitly choose this one cause it was the only one I took that was vertical instead of horozontal and I liked the capture of the clouds. I don't think I have posted a picture of the sunset from where I live, but this is it, almost every night. I'm sure you will all see more pictures of that scene in the next 18 months.

Wait....thats not the beach, but his little doggy hat is cute.

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