Merry Christmas!!!

Well I hope everyone is checking this on Christmas! Specially my family! I can just see you all gathered around the computer, reading this blogg....probably very cold....or at least it is outside. If its at my parants house I'm sure the fireplace is stoked to the max, with Dad to hot, and Mom still to cold. That is one of the things I miss the most, but I missed it when I was living in Milwaukee too. The fireplace. Believe it or not I miss the cold also. No, not the brutal cold, but just being able to cuddle up in a blanket or where a hoody sweater, and be comfortable.
For my Christmas I will be spending it in my Barangay, Damilisan. I'll be eating dinner at friends house Christmas Eve than at my Landlords house on Christmas Day. With the Cockfights in the afternoon. Yes, for Christmas I will be going to watch chickens kill eachother (If you have an issue with this refer to the blog titled Miagao Site Visit). I'm very much so looking forward to the Bulang (cockfight). There is no sarcasm there, I really am! I am also looking forward to hearing from all of you late on my Christmas night or the morning of the 26th. I'll keep my phone charged!
While I've been here for these 9 months thus far. I have probably already changed more than I know, and definatly learned more than I can define. One of the things that I have seen here that has had a hugely positive affect on me is the since of family. Its impossible to define. I know that each one of you is thinking "yes, we know, the Asian since of family." Yet it is so much more than that. I have said this to a number of people already, but it shows a lot about the Philippines that while I have been here for these 9 months I am a fully welcomed member of not just one but three families. Imagine a person coming from abroad to America and meeting that same can't. Its not a bad thing, its simply a differance between and individual culture and a community based culture. Yet its somthing to keep in mind. It has been very warming to have that welcome here. It has taught me a lot as well, and made me realize each or yours importance to me, much more so than I ever realized before. Its been a realazation of the sorts of carrying around gold for years not knowing its worth. Than one day, a person comes up to you and tells you its true value. Even 15,000 miles away that is what each one of you is to me. Gold. I just keep it stored in my heart instead of my pocket.
Its my hope that for the remainder of the day you can all realize how great it is that your all together, and really enjoy eachothers company......fully. How often is the Family really all there, or at least mostly....hehe. I miss you all so much, my friends too! I hope you all have the best and Merryest of Christmas's and a Great New Years. I will be thinking about you all!
Merry Christmas
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