It is almost Christmas, but here is my Thanksgiving! I hope Christmas or New Years can be half as fun as Thanksgiving was! It was nice to meet up with a bunch of other Americans for thanksgiving and share our holiday. Most Philippinos don't know about it or understand it, but I just told them it was the closest thing in America to their Fiesta. They then told me "Dapat makadto ka!" Or another words "You have to go!" So I went down to the same island I was at at a couple of months ago, Bohol, with the Chocolate hills and the Tarsier (See Side Trips). We stayed at really nice tucked away resort, right on a river with a rainforst overlooking it. We had turkey (pinoy style), mashed patatos, cranberrys, cheese, and even yams! Oh it was so yummy. It may have been made even yummier because I managed to find all the "real" ingrediants to make "real" bloody marys. It took 3 island to get them all, but I got them. Thus when I woke up at 7 a.m. that day, I was preparing them....and drinking them......we ate at 4 pm. I was feeling good by then.
There were 24 of us, from all over the Visayas (central philippines), both my batch and the batch before me. Everyone stayed at the resort that night, some people stayed the next day, but by sat eveyone had left to head to the city on bohol or to Cebu city. I didn't want to go to either, so i stayed a 3rd night their. I had the whole place to myself and really enjoyed it, it was nice and relaxing after 2 fun nights filled with food, beer, bloodys, and Eucher! Yes there are 4 of us volunteers from Wiscony and we all play the loved game. We spent HOURS playing it those two days.
Alright enough....onto the pictures (By the way, Erin Stotz, a fellow volunteer and Wiscony took these pics, I wasn't to concerned with pictures at the time, to many bloodys and to much food kept me destracted). This first one is one of our 2 tables all set with Beautifal Thanksgiving Decorations, thanks very much to Shawnas mom!

These next two our us us siiting down to our grand meal. Like I said before it was GOOD!
(Table 1)

(Table 2)

This last picture is of me and Kyle preparing round ?? of Bloodys. He is one of the pre-said Wisconsin Eucher freaks and was my kickin' partner. In two days and over 20 games we only lost 3. Our opponants, Melissa (Kyle's wife) and Erin took it rather bitterly.......
There were 24 of us, from all over the Visayas (central philippines), both my batch and the batch before me. Everyone stayed at the resort that night, some people stayed the next day, but by sat eveyone had left to head to the city on bohol or to Cebu city. I didn't want to go to either, so i stayed a 3rd night their. I had the whole place to myself and really enjoyed it, it was nice and relaxing after 2 fun nights filled with food, beer, bloodys, and Eucher! Yes there are 4 of us volunteers from Wiscony and we all play the loved game. We spent HOURS playing it those two days.
Alright enough....onto the pictures (By the way, Erin Stotz, a fellow volunteer and Wiscony took these pics, I wasn't to concerned with pictures at the time, to many bloodys and to much food kept me destracted). This first one is one of our 2 tables all set with Beautifal Thanksgiving Decorations, thanks very much to Shawnas mom!

These next two our us us siiting down to our grand meal. Like I said before it was GOOD!
(Table 1)

(Table 2)

This last picture is of me and Kyle preparing round ?? of Bloodys. He is one of the pre-said Wisconsin Eucher freaks and was my kickin' partner. In two days and over 20 games we only lost 3. Our opponants, Melissa (Kyle's wife) and Erin took it rather bitterly.......

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