Faces in the Crowd
I actually think the name of the title for this blogg is from a regular section in Sports Illustraited. I havn't read it in years. Well I'm still in good condition, no relapse into that fun little adventure from October, typhoid. Work has continued to go well, with my solid waste managment project for schools in full motion now, I start the trainings in December. I think there are 7 schools to conduct trainings at in 4 days. That should be a fun week. I am looking forward to next week, Thanksgiving. I think myself and some other volunteers are going to roast up, pinoy style of course, 3 turkeys. Hmmmm.....and Sam Miguel......the only thing missing will be the football, but I can imagine the Packers loosing in my head just as well as watching it.
The last couple weeks I have started to find myself getting very settled. I like that. The constant new "imputs" that have become a daily, weekly, and monthly norm over the past 7 1/2 months have began to slow down a bit. I'm starting to develop a bit of a routine, and sitting back and observing life a little more around me. Not to say I havn't been observing it up till now. Just now I'm starting to see it in a differant light, perhaps you could say I'm starting to understand it. At least a little. I have no grand observations to make, or conclusions to come to, I don't know what the collage in my brain means. I have found myself in the past couple weeks taking pictures of more people, than of the scenery around me. Some of the people in the following pictures I know, and in fact I'm becoming close with. Others I don't know at all, and it was just in passing that I took thier picture. I am not going to note who is who, I'll leave it to your imagination. The people that I don't know I would look at the picture and try to imagine what the past events that person had endured or been through, or in the case of children the beauty of innocense. I am throwing a title on each picture, just for fun. My next blogg I hope to write a bit more about my life here, from a more cultural stand point. As always I hope everyone is well and healthy.
"The scale read 'Cute' "

"If you only knew"

"You know what we did!!!"

"Go Away"

"Are they calling me?"

"Where you been?"

The last couple weeks I have started to find myself getting very settled. I like that. The constant new "imputs" that have become a daily, weekly, and monthly norm over the past 7 1/2 months have began to slow down a bit. I'm starting to develop a bit of a routine, and sitting back and observing life a little more around me. Not to say I havn't been observing it up till now. Just now I'm starting to see it in a differant light, perhaps you could say I'm starting to understand it. At least a little. I have no grand observations to make, or conclusions to come to, I don't know what the collage in my brain means. I have found myself in the past couple weeks taking pictures of more people, than of the scenery around me. Some of the people in the following pictures I know, and in fact I'm becoming close with. Others I don't know at all, and it was just in passing that I took thier picture. I am not going to note who is who, I'll leave it to your imagination. The people that I don't know I would look at the picture and try to imagine what the past events that person had endured or been through, or in the case of children the beauty of innocense. I am throwing a title on each picture, just for fun. My next blogg I hope to write a bit more about my life here, from a more cultural stand point. As always I hope everyone is well and healthy.
"The scale read 'Cute' "

"If you only knew"

"You know what we did!!!"

"Go Away"

"Are they calling me?"

"Where you been?"


Lloyd, honestly, and I mainly like to think that I specialize in portraits, these pics are real good. The emotion that is captured in a few of these are emense and brings the viewer into their world. I only wish that I was there to be with these people and know about their lives and their experiences. Great work here, keep it up, what camera are you using, did you make a new purchase that you were thinking about? Anyway, i want to see more of these, and hopefully I can show you some work of the same caliber, cheers mate.
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