The Broken Contract with America
I know some of you will be as happy as I am; I also know some of you will not like this at all. To the latter, to *#$%&*# bad! I am a happy person today. Some respectability has been returned to America. Perhaps people are waking up. With the exception of the ban on same sex marriage (however close the voting was) in seven states, why must religion dictate our government? Oh that's right, we live in a theocracy. At least South Dakota took a step in the right direction to fight the theocracy by upholding a women's right to choice. Mind you Arizona's voters proved, in my opinion, to be quite naive on their language stance but they didn't bow like others to the religious right on the same sex marriage issue. Missouri took a big step in rational thinking to continue Stem-Cell research. Overall, the day went great. I will limit my gloating. Yet after what those of you who don't like this post put me through in Nov. 2004 I feel it is my right.
My hope now is that we use these "victories" wisely, don't bicker and try "to get even" for the last 12 years, but promote a better America to the world. Do some hedging to limit some of the damage of our current incumbent President, and make a step forward to improve America. Which will, more importantly, lead to a better world.
My hope now is that we use these "victories" wisely, don't bicker and try "to get even" for the last 12 years, but promote a better America to the world. Do some hedging to limit some of the damage of our current incumbent President, and make a step forward to improve America. Which will, more importantly, lead to a better world.
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