"Mabuhay Filipinas"
The Philippine's flag, at a local talent show in Sigma, Capiz.
To be honest I really have no topic at all in my mind as to what to write about. I picked these pictures at random and couldn't think of much of a general theme to accompany them. I'll say a little something about each and leave it at that. The next three get their own sub-title to this blog. At the end of the post I'll have a "very rough" schedule of what I have thus far planned for my trip back home.
"A night in the Bario"
By "bario" I mean barangay. By barangay, I mean the village I live in. Bario just means really rural basically, far from the city. Well I live in the barios. When I get home from work each afternoon my routine doesn't really vary that much, but here is an example of one possible evening in the bario.
Buy some fresh fish, right out of the ocean and throw it on the grill.

Buy some 5 year old Tanduay. Which is the local Rum here. However everyone calls it whiskey. Sit down and eat the fish and drink the whiskey. A lot of talking about the weather and anything interesting that happened since the night before.

Below is Alpy. She has adopted me against my will. She continues to break into the back area of my house and sleep there, no matter how many times I kick her out and fix what she broke to get in. However when people are around she is a respectful bitch. She is waiting here for the bones from the above fish.

The rest of these pictures are all very random and have taken place over a fair span of time. Below is just one of many many islands I passed on my 24 hour boat ride from Manila home to Iloilo. It was a spectacular way to see the Philippines. I love boat rides, I feel like I am lost in translation on trips that long. The same on planes, buses, or even long walks. There is something about the act of "traveling" that is so relaxing. For that time, you have nothing else to do but wait. You are in transition. Boats are just the best way to do it. You get a bed, lots of space to walk around, but still it forces you to just be.

Below is the church in Sigma, Capiz. The town were I stayed during my training. They have recently repainted done some renovations and I just really enjoyed this picture.

The next two pictures are more of what has become an ongoing theme for me here in the Philippines. Cute kids. This is Iya. My host niece from my first host family in Sigma (place as the above church). No she didn't burst into tears shortly after this picture was taken. The next picture is of Lady. She is my landlords daughter and made great friends with my sister, Tricia and with Jen. She asks about them all the time. She was all dressed up for a Floras de Mayo in this picture.

Next to kids, I have taken more pictures of "uncle Eddie" than any other person in my barangay. Maybe that is a mis-statement. More pictures of Eddie turn out well then any other person in my barangay. This is another shot from the Cockfight I mentioned a few posts ago.

Just a nice, serine picture to end this post. My beach.

This is anything but set in stone but so those of you that may want to ask off from work or want to have a rough idea of where I'll be. Here you go. Some of the days I'll be in Kenosha I will be there till my parents go to bed than head up to Milwaukee. Also I will be getting a pay as you go phone from best buy too (unless someone knows of a better place). Once I get the number I will post it on here as well, along with a more set schedule just before I come home.
Sept 1' - Arrive (parents house)
Sept2- Jurassic 5 show, out in Milwaukee afterwards (Milwaukee)
Sept3- Try to make to to bloody mary morning down in Kenosha (Kenosha)
Sept4- Labor day, Cookout at my parents for friends and family
Sept5- ????
Sept6- ????
Sept7- Milwaukee??
Sept8- Milwaukee
Sept9- Derek's Wedding
Sept10- More celebration of Derek's Wedding at Brewers game
Sept11- Kenosha
Sept14- Milwaukee
Sept 15-Milwaukee
Sept 16- Kenosha
Sept 17- Fly back to the Philippines.