Perminant Site Visit
Well I got to my perm. site yesterday for my site visit, and I must admit I was overwelmed by a number of things to start off with. Firstly my host family's house is really nice, nicer than i would have ever thought i would be staying in when I joined, including a maid and laundry woman. At first I had some major issues with it, but i'm sorting em' out in my head now, either way I hope to have my own place in 3-4 months anyways. In terms of my job it is very intimidating, i have a lot to learn, and that is in addition to learning 2 languages, illongo and kinaria. I am working in the Municipal gov. and as the past two days have went on I am learning more what my job will entail. Lots of planning and orginazation of a project called "economic alliance" Which consists of a lot a implemantation of public markets, livelihood trainings, job growth and job creation, ect in all the burungays in Miagao, there are a 119 burungays and each Alliance is made up of 11 burungays, with one of each 11 being the center of commerace for that area/region. One "test" alliance has been implemented, my job consists of creating the others. I will also be working with other secondary projects as well including the marketing of their tourists sites, one is a world heratige church, and also with bio-diversity, mostly with planting of trees in key enviormental areas to help facilitate longer water supplies throughout the dry season. Like I said I have so much to learn, but that is why I came here, i just hope i can provide a fraction of the benfit I will be recieving from all this.
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